Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Life Can Go on Without a Microwave

To begin, one must know a little about my husband.  He has a lot of ideas...a LOT of ideas.  One of his ideas, opinions, is that using a microwave on your food, is not good for your health.  Based on things he has read, he has for many years suggested that we should use the microwave as little as possible.   Of course, I tried, but is there really any other way to "reheat" leftovers? thaw meat?  boil water?  melt butter? etc...and it is so convenient for the kids to "warm up" leftover lunches, etc.

The microwave we have used to belong to the Skating Rink where I worked in high school and college.  The other employees had a hard time using it, though it never gave me a problem.  It was replaced and was going to be thrown away...so, I took it.  It has worked beautifully without problems for me for the past 15 years...through my college time and our whole marriage.

Over the years, I tried to limit the use of the microwave, but I guess my efforts of limiting the microwave's use was not enough.  Last July, I came home from my mother's house one day to find that the microwave was gone.  Banished to the unfinished basement.  My family was shocked.  I was shocked. 

After much pondering, I finally came to the conclusion that:

Using the microwave could possible hurt us.

Not using the microwave would definitely not hurt us.

And so my non-microwave life began.

The hardest part is...I have to think...don't laugh...this is actually difficult.  I have to think ahead...WAY ahead...no last minute dinners, no quick warming up of the leftovers...and no thawing meat at the last minute...not even the last few hours...it just isn't long enough.  Fortunately, we don't do a lot of meat at our house.

Halloween came.  Our children came home from Primary with little bags of popcorn that they had been given.  They were so excited.  On the drive home one of them had a moment of realization and shouted with despair in his voice.. "BUT MOM! WE DON'T HAVE A MICROWAVE TO POP THEM IN!!!!!"  I just looked at Michael.  My look said, "You get to deal with this one."

To their joy, Michael said that he would take them down to the basement to pop them....since microwave popcorn is already bad for you...using the microwave wouldn't make it much worse.  That has actually turned into a fun thing...if we ever are given microwave popcorn they get to go to the basement with dad, he finds a place, plugs it in and pops it. 

And now after 8 months of not having a microwave to do all the above mentioned things....I can honestly say, "Life can go on, and even be happy, without the microwave."  It has been a hard separation.  My sister was a saint and gave me some more pots and pans for Christmas, a variety of sizes is more necessary now. 

I boil water and melt butter on the stove.  Depending on the leftovers, I warm up them up on the stove or in the oven.   I have learned that if I put a bowl of water in the oven...leftover pancakes and waffles will be a little softer rather than crusty.  I try not to cook "too much"; I shoot for no leftovers.   Did you know you can fit more than one item to warm up in a frying pan?

After all this time the thing I miss the most is the timer...it didn't wander around the house...I could see it from the other side of the room...and my two year old couldn't reach it & change the time (the oven timer is in his reach).

And whenever I miss the microwave, I remember that I don't have to chop the wood and light the fire.

So, if you have any "microwaveless tips"...or if you need any...let me know.